Lutron HomeWorks

Lutron HomeWorks is a high end lighting control system. The Domain Controller connects to the Lutron processor via RS-232 and is compatible with the following wired and wireless components: RPMs, keypads, Vareo and Maestro switches, CCO relays. In this software release we do not support HomeWorks Grafik Eye, CCI inputs, or Sivoia window treatments.

Note the Lutron system must be up and running and the RS-232 cable must be connected to the Lutron system when the Domain Controller boots up because that is when the Domain Controller sends the initialization messages to the HomeWorks processor.



Lutron HomeWorks Architecture

The Domain Controller connects to the Lutron HomeWorks processor via an RS-232 interface. All keypad and light switch pushes are sent to the Domain Controller. Commands to set the lighting load to a certain dimming value are sent from the Domain Controller to the HomeWorks system.



Domain 3000

Connect a standard straight through RS-232 cable from a serial port on the back of the Domain 3000 to serial port 3 or 7 of the HomeWorks processor as shown.


New Lutron P5 Processor

If you are using the new P5 processor, there are a couple of extra steps you need to take. If you are not using the P5 please skip to Test the communication.

For the P5 processor, open up your project in Illumination.

Select the programming icon.

Select the setup tab (the two gears) at the left of the programming page.

Select the interfaces tab at the top center of the setup page.

Click on "Serial Equipment".

Click Add.



Select the parameters shown in the window at the right - including giving it a name such as "Destiny Interface" and changing the "Handshaking" to "None".

 Click OK.


You will see the "Destiny Interface" added under the "Serial Equipment".

You're done.


Test the communication of the Lutron HomeWorks system

Connected your PC to the Lutron HomeWorks system with a  commercially bought RS-232 cable.

Run the Lutron HomeWorks software application with the appropriate project open.




Test the cable to the Lutron HomeWorks system

Disconnect the commercially bought RS-232 cable from your PC and from the Lutron HomeWorks controller.

Connect the Lutron HomeWorks side of the cable that goes to the Domain Controller to serial port 3 or 7 of the Lutron HomeWorks controller.

For the Domain 3000: connect the Domain Controller side of the cable to your PC.

Repeat the communication test above to prove that the cable is good.

Once you know the cable is good, plug the cable into the Domain Controller.

Reboot the Domain Controller.

Note, the Lutron system must be up and running and the RS-232 cable must be connected to the Lutron system when the Domain Controller boots up.



Add the Lutron Homeworks lighting system

Select the Lighting Systems layer of the Design Module.



Click the location in the room in which you plan to install the Lighting System.


You will get a pop up menu like the one at the right.

Type: select the Lutron HWI

Name: the default name is usually good, but you can change it if you want.

Baud Rate: the Lutron processor defaults to 115200 baud, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control. Do not change the default settings. Then, use the Baud Rate dropdown on the menu at the right to select 115200.

Serial Port: use the dropdown to select the appropriate serial port.

Click OK.



After clicking OK on the menus above a red dot will appear where you initially clicked to add the lighting system.



Add a Light

Select the Lights layer of the Design Module.





Click in the location in the room in which you plan to install the Lights.


The "Add a Light in the <room name>" menu will pop up.

The "Room" will be the room you clicked in and it cannot be changed without cancelling out of the menu and clicking in the proper room.

Selecting the "Type" has only one purpose. It is an auto naming feature and it overwrites the present "Name" field.

The "Name" must be unique in this room (but can be the same as the name in another room). The name is auto generated by selecting the "Type" but you can add to the auto generated name or completely delete it and create your own name.

Every light you add will default to "No" for "Dimmer Controlled" so that you do not accidentally control a light improperly. If the light is dimmer controlled, then select the "Yes" radio button. The first time you select "Yes" you will get the warning message at the right. Please read the warning and then click OK.

Check the "Controlled by (and wired to)" check box to define how it is controlled. We highly recommend you do this when you add the device.

The "Controlled by" dropdown box will default to the last control used on any device layer. The first time you add a device after opening the Design Module, it will default to the Relay Control Unit of the Domain Controller. Select Lutron HWI.

Enter the address of the RPM or switch.

Click OK.




After clicking OK on the menu above an icon for the device will appear where you initially clicked to add it.

The Room menu now has the icon of the Light as a device that can be controlled. Each of the Room Scenes has a default value for the light. The Light has been added to the Action Tree so that it can be used for Timer Events, GUI Buttons, and Keypad Events.

Note that if you want to change any of the parameters of it, click on the icon of the device and make sure the "Edit " menu pops up. It is the one that also has a "Delete" button on it.